Social Security Pension Management Information System (SSPMIS)

SSPMIS Software Application, an web-based solution for identification and management of beneficiaries based on future needs and requirements of State Society for Ultra Poor and Social Welfare (SSUPSW) under Department of Social Welfare, Government of Bihar.
The solution framework addresses all the core objectives and goals of Social Welfare Department. It facilitates advancement towards providing highest quality data and services to the DoSW.
Aim of the SSPMIS application is to provide better platform for identification, management and Monitoring tools for beneficiaries for SSUPSW, Department of Social Welfare. Functionalities of SSPMIS software are based on centralized architecture Servers are placed in data center at Apna Ghar, 2nd Floor in Patna.

Purpose of The Scheme

The information will be based on mobile no, email address, bank account detail and voter ID number in centralized database of Beneficiary bank account.The beneficiary master database will be linked with various external systems, such as BPL list , socio - economic caste census and based on biometric identification system etc.With the help of this data set, various schemes amount to the bank accounts of beneficiaries will be sent directly,the role of the middlemen will be eliminated.

Thus public funds under the scheme will be used to open new bank accounts , and where bank account is not available,will help there account opening.For the operations of SSPMIS plan, the built in of district, block and block -level facilitation center, the region to develop software and hardware infrastructure,to ensure the availability of trained people in the region,hard copy data to digital form, the availability to the network connectivity is required.All of the above actions by the district administration to benefit will be directly related to the beneficiaries.

Brief Information

MVPY scheme is a government scheme and provided by Welfare department of Bihar. In other state this scheme run by same department of Government of India with the scheme name "Indira Gandhi Pension Yojana" Mukhyamantri Vridhjan Pension Yojana is a scheme launched by the government of Bihar. According to the scheme if a person is of 60 Years or older than he/she is eligible for the scheme. He/ She must be a resident of Bihar. The beneficiary will receive Rs 400/Month for his/her livelyhood.

Mukhyamantri Vridhjan Pension Yojana Online Form

State Welfare Department of Bihar


Name of the scheme Mukhyamantri Vridhjan Pension Yojana
Department Bihar Welfare Department
Description Updated On 27 November 2023
Application Form Submission Date

An eligible applicant can apply any time. There is no bound of date and time to apply the form.

Eligiblity Details

  • Age of a candidate must be at least 60 Years old.
  • He/ She should have a valid Bank Account in working status.
  • A Voter Idetity Card
  • Adhar Card
  • Must not be working/ reteired from a government services.
  • Must not be a beneficiary of other type of Pension Scheme.

Document Required to apply for the MVPY form

  1. A completely filled form . You can download the form by click on the link provided below
  2. A photocopy of Voted id card
  3. A photocoy of Adhar Card
  4. Completely filled Adhar consent form
  5. Photocopy of Bank Account details
  6. Bank account details form should be approved by the bank.

Note:-To apply the form you should first prepare the documents and visit nearest "Common Service Center" i.e. CSC. You can also submit your pension form to the nearest Executive Assistant of Panchayat Office.

Important Links

Register For MVPY

Click Here

Application Form (Offline)

Click Here

Check Your Payment History

Click Here

Check Your Application Status

Click Here

Official Website

Click Here

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